Gallop into the Mission Field with us as we use Farming, Agribusiness, and Ranching to take God's Ministry to the Four Corners of the Earth!
H.H.M.P. Headquarters: The King's Stable at Orphanage Emmanuel
Inductive Bible Studies at...
Refuge of the Pines
Mission Statement: 'Growing People Closer to God through Horses & Agriculture!'
Honduras Horsemanship Mission Project
The Honduras Horsemanship Mission Project (H.H.M.P.) uses the HORSE and AGRICULTURE as a TOOL to teach GOD'S WORD to children, teens, and adults in Central America! With over 200 scriptures in the Bible relating to horses, including Jesus' return on a white horse, there is a powerful message to share...not to mention the additional hundreds of scriptures relating to agriculture!
The headquarters of the the H.H.M.P. is based at Orphanage Emmanuel in Honduras. The program was founded in 2004 by previous SVIPA High School Boarding Students. Each year SVIPA staff and 2nd year F.A.R.M. Degree students travel to participate in the H.H.M.P's continued development. Our work with the Orphanage Emmanuel division of the H.H,M,P, celebrated its 15th year anniversary in 2019 when SVIPA was blessed to open a new stable and agricultural center at Orphanage Emmanuel! See below for a video of the King's Stable Grand Opening! Orphanage Emmanuel serves over 300 children along with raising and producing most of their food as they maintain beef cattle, dairly cattle, poultry, and grow much of their own produce. The H.H.M.P. serves approximatley 70 children weekly through horsemanship classes and Bible studies thanks to some amazing young men who grew up at Ophanage Emmanuel and now serve at the horse barn. Students also have the opportunity to work with other facilities and churches in Honduras and Central America as they put their Farming, Agriculture, Ranching, and Ministry skills to work! Each year F.A.R.M. Degree staff and students travel to assist the H.H.M.P. using their pre-vet, horsemanship, and teaching skills along with sharing God's word through mounted sermons for groups of 50-400, small horsemanship classes, pre-vet/agriscience classes, Inductive Bible Conferences, and so much more!
The headquarters of the the H.H.M.P. is based at Orphanage Emmanuel in Honduras. The program was founded in 2004 by previous SVIPA High School Boarding Students. Each year SVIPA staff and 2nd year F.A.R.M. Degree students travel to participate in the H.H.M.P's continued development. Our work with the Orphanage Emmanuel division of the H.H,M,P, celebrated its 15th year anniversary in 2019 when SVIPA was blessed to open a new stable and agricultural center at Orphanage Emmanuel! See below for a video of the King's Stable Grand Opening! Orphanage Emmanuel serves over 300 children along with raising and producing most of their food as they maintain beef cattle, dairly cattle, poultry, and grow much of their own produce. The H.H.M.P. serves approximatley 70 children weekly through horsemanship classes and Bible studies thanks to some amazing young men who grew up at Ophanage Emmanuel and now serve at the horse barn. Students also have the opportunity to work with other facilities and churches in Honduras and Central America as they put their Farming, Agriculture, Ranching, and Ministry skills to work! Each year F.A.R.M. Degree staff and students travel to assist the H.H.M.P. using their pre-vet, horsemanship, and teaching skills along with sharing God's word through mounted sermons for groups of 50-400, small horsemanship classes, pre-vet/agriscience classes, Inductive Bible Conferences, and so much more!
HHMP Gets 2 New Colts!
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